I bought it with 167.000 km on the meter and it has steadily been going up over the last 8 months to 172.000 km without any real problems.
After driving it for a while and really enjoying the car a lot, a friend of mine (who also introduced himself on this forum a little while back) also got a Cuore and together with him, another old friend with a Cuore and a friend with a Sirion we did a small Daihatsu meet which ended up in a little roadtrip through the Netherlands of 460 km’s.
I havent had to do much up to this point, all I had to do is give her some new tires, a new left front bearing and a new exhaust end pipe and she has been a reliable little car with a pretty good punch!
I am still looking for a 3rd brakelight/spoiler, so if anyone knows something in the Netherlands please let me know! they have been really hard to find unfortunately…
Welcome! Neat little ride, looking forward to your modifications also, I highly suggest you join the dutch L700 owners club on facebook. Lot’s of useful info on there and maybe they can help you get that spoiler. Oh, and there’s a meet coming up soon
Welcome fellow Dutchie! I do have a spoiler laying around that needs some work if you’re up for it. Quite sure I also have the brake light that came with it.
Thanks Greenbean!
I actually already joined the L7 Club NL Page, unfortunately I am unavailable that weekend but otherwise I would have definitely been there.
Thanks for the offer Marco!
I have some updates on the spoiler but if that falls through i’ll keep you in mind and reach out you!
The spoiler updates:
Yesterday we went to the notorious JetCars in Rotterdam, What a surreal experience that place is!
There is a yellow Cuore L7 for sale there for € 590,- With a spoiler on it!
However, the car wasn’t marked for dismantling of parts yet, so we couldnt take the pieces we wanted and unfortunately had no means of getting the full car home as a parts car, since it had quite a few useable parts in terms of interior and body panels.
So we had to leave it there and on the way back while calling a friend about it he said he still has a spoiler in his garage somewhere, even in the right green color!
So in the coming weeks that will be found and ill be able to clean it up a bit, mount it and finally have a spoiler!
I’ve been eyeing that cuore for a while now but for the price it’s just not worth it. Couldn’t talk it down even 20 bucks. Nice and crusty as well. Jetcars in a nutshell.
[quote=“JonnoM, post:8, topic:6238”]…for just € 790,- they could make it pass inspection (APK)…[/quote]It’s surprising that there isn’t an epidemic in fatal accidents there. I experienced similar, when I imported my first 601 from the Netherlands. The problem is as follows: When you report these criminals to the authorities, either they do absolutely nothing or the criminal garage changes ownership to another one of the numerous relatives of theirs