I just found this beautiful silver 5-door L60 for sale in Germany on Ebay Kleinanzeigen. It is silver, has less than 20k kilometers on the odometer and looks to be in great condition. Unfortunately I cannot justify getting another car right now, but the want is huge with this one. Hopefully it will find a caring new home 
Please someone buy it quickly, as long as my selfcontrol still lasts 
Look at this beauty!
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A gorgeous little nugget. A shame that most people tend to buy the newest stuff instead of good already existing things. 2.000€ for a car in this good condition and low mileage is a complete steal. Unfortunately, Germany’s japanese car community is really small so I think it’s still too expensive for people expecting a good Golf 3 VR6 for that price for example or a Golf 4 GTI.
Currently saving up for new tools and my dream car so I have to resist the temptation of buying it as well D:
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