Hello all, nice to meet you.
I run a small licensed mobile repair outfit in Hawaii.
Our roadside vehicle of choice is a 1992 Daihatsu Hijet S83P Jumbo 4x4, equipped with an EF-CS engine.
Recently while on highway drives, the overflow reservoir would push coolant out through its vent cap and onto the ground. After noticing this, we replaced the radiator cap twice, before suspecting something worse at work here.
Sure enough, testing fluid and a cylinder leak-down test confirmed the #1 cylinder is pushing combustion gases into the cooling system, confirming head gasket failure.
Luckily we had never overheated the vehicle, but noticed during recent exhaust work that the exposed external tabs of the head gasket poking out from between the head/block looked to be corroded.
I almost have the intake manifold fully labelled and ready to pull, in between work.
Does any kind soul here have knowledge of the EF-CS engine cylinder head bolt torque specifications and tightening sequence? If not any insight into how to proceed without that knowledge would also be appreciated. I extend a preemptive “Thank you!” to whoever might chime-in.
My wife is a Japanese national and we have not had a lot of luck locating a second-hand factory manual for these. They may as well be made of un-obtanium…
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Well, got the head off and located the cause of my #1 cylinder combustion leak into the cooling system. Going to have to pull the rocker arms and most likely send off to the machine shop for a skim, as there is a slight depression where the cylinder head gasket failed, at the red circle in the photo.
Going to have the wife call Daihatsu Japan in the morning, to see if they can help me with the cylinder head bolt torque specification and possibly the intake/exhaust valve lash adjustment spec. For all the S83P Hijet’s I see everywhere in Japan, there sure isn’t a whole lot of information out there about them. Makes the Honda ACTY and Subaru Sambar loads more popular, with how freely the information is available. Need some luck with the Daihatsu’s it seems.
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I would guess the head bolt torque would be the same as the ef-el or almost any other ef or even ed
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Pattern is to go middle out in a diagonal fashion. 40nm max going up progressively. Use ED10 specs as they will be the same head bolt thread and length. This should have more info http://pro.daihatsu.fr/Daihatsu/SAV/TECHNIQUE/MANUELS%20ATELIER/SIRION%20M100/9726/EM.PDF
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Thank you @evilhighway & @Mr_Gormsby.
I appreciate two forum powerhouses like you two legends, taking the time to pop into my first post. Thank you for the torque specification information, relieved I followed the opposite sequence that @Mr_Gormsby provided, in 2 stages when removing the head. Fingers crossed now!
Mine was a very brief reply. Might be an idea to go to the all new people section and start a new thread and do a small intro. It helps people get to know you a little and also it won’t take long and the manuals section should open up to you if ever you should need some. They are all user uploaded where ever we find them. So sometimes takes a little sifting but it is a good resource when needed.