Hello from perth

Hey all, I’m from Perth wa and just brought a l700 (I think) Daihatsu handivan! It’s the 2000 model and I’ve loved it so far. On choppies and some seriously fat (wide) rims. Handles like a go cart and I can’t flip it even at 80kph hills runs :rofl::rofl:

Anyway I’ll be creating a thread asking for some advice on rims, lip spoilers, quick connect steering wheels etc.



Yes mate it’s an L700. Love the tri-spokes. Welcome to the forum! There is heaps of info in here so have a look through and enjoy what you find :slight_smile:

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Good to see another set of WA plates! Looks like we’ll have some competition on Mundaring Weir Rd. Been a while since ive done a hills run.

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