Hi guys,
I’ve got a cluster from an L251 Cuore VII from Germany. (Single plug, white)
I have an L251 Charade from Australia. (Green back, two harnesses)
I would like to know how I can make this work for my car.
Hi guys,
I’ve got a cluster from an L251 Cuore VII from Germany. (Single plug, white)
I have an L251 Charade from Australia. (Green back, two harnesses)
I would like to know how I can make this work for my car.
easiest way would be get a plug with some wire for the single plug, find wiring diagrams to suit both dashes, write down a list of what wire does goes where and compare both, then join appropriate wire from single plug to your loom. i ended up doing 4 lists comparing just to make sure that i joined once.
I’m mostly worried about the speedo cable. I googled it and a converter is $300+
Maybe I can find a wiring harness from the original German L251, and wire from the ECU to the new cluster? Do you think that would work?
I may be able to help with a wiring diagram from the German model, and as with the Speedo converter, I think jaycar/tandy/dick Smith electronics might do a diy kit
And if your looking for a plug I’ve found https://www.mouser.de/m_Home.aspx to be useful, maybe they have an Australian or an international site
Thank you so much Mick! If you could track down the pin out I would be so grateful!
Maybe I can find an electronic speed sensor from the German Cuore VII and make my life easier haha