Hi Everyone, says GTti owner Silas

Hi Everyone, my name is Silas. I am from Switzerland and I own a white G100 GTti. I have been restoring the car over the last two years, and soon its finally finished :slight_smile:

Just a little impression:

Almost every bolt has been undone so far.


Welcome! The restoration looks amazing so far!

welcome and that looks great! nice work!

Thanks guys. Can’t wait to drive it soon :slight_smile:

Looks awesome!!

Amazing :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Hey Silas, i was following your build on Facebook a while back. Would love to see the end result pictures. Not too many people are doing full restorations on G100s

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Absoultely incredible. Nice work is an understatement

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I am in the finishing stage ATM. I want to register it this spring. I think I will post up some pics and short write up of the build later :+1:

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