Hi from Serbia

I am Zlatomir from Serbia. My vehicle is Daihatsu Cuore L251. Producrion date 12/2003. I post same picture here:


Welcome to the forum. I like the blue colour of your L251. I don’t think we got that colour in Australia.

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Can’t remember seeing a four door either. I do like the seat centres.

Daihatsu is great. But, dont have stabilizer (sway bar, anti rolbar). It is a little unstable on the road in curves. I am looking for stabilizer, but its not so easy.

My Cuore:

Other Cuore, from my friends:

Looks like the previous owner removed it. What you think?

You could add one. It will make the thing understeer more. Not sure where you’d get one easily or easily get one posted from OS.

I search on German websites, but without success.


I can recommend buying Ultra Racing for these (and other) modifications. Buy from Malaysia and have it shipped via a courier such as Fedex. Ultra Racing do not list the Daihatsu Cuore L251, but they do list the domestic equivalent, the Perodua Viva L251:


So then you need to find a dealer. There is a Dutch dealer here: Product Result – Ultra Racing Shop EU

It might be worth looking at a Malaysian dealer who will ship to Serbia - I don’t recall who I bought mine from, but they were easy to deal with and happy to ship to the UK. Total cost was much cheaper than buying from the UK Ultra Racing dealer too, even including shipping and customs charges.


Thanks very much Granger

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[quote=“Zlatomir, post:6, topic:7038”]…I search on German websites, but without success…[/quote]When I moved to here, decades ago, this used to not be a problem. Nowadays, the amount of laziness, indifference and stubborness here has led customers to visit Switzerland for finding these items or in neighboring Netherlands for those living near the Rhein River’s outlet. If you don’t have the following numbers on any of the vehicle’s documents, good luck finding anybody to help you find even the most simple of parts any more:

I don’t think that the Swiss and Dutch use such numbers. Perhaps by them, a vehicle identification number would suffice?
I’ve heard of a wrecking yard located within 100 kilometers of my home. But, have not yet researched. The following is an adress to a former Daihatsu dealership who still services customer vehicles and has a few wrecks on his property for spare parts: kaiserag@datacomm.ch. He could be rather slow at answering e-mails. In which case, he could be reached by telephone: 41 is the country code. The rest is 061-7615195. from Serbia, I’m sure, you don’t dial the 0. In other words, 0041-61 and the rest. You could also telefax under the following number: 61-7617241. I would hurry, though. Early last year when I visited, he was mentioning retirement.
I’m almost sure that Mr_Gormsby often mentioned that stabilizer bars on these weren’t standard equipment. Therefore, it may very well be that a previous owner never had one to remove in the first place. In which case, body roll on these may be disturbing for anyone not used to it. But, this doesen’t necessarilly mean that not having a stabilizer bar is dangerous on these. Being Serbian, I’m sure that you’re familiar with those Slovenian-assembled Renault 4s which had body roll as severe as a boat you would take on a fishing expedition. After I purchased my Renault 5, I was frightened when I took my first corner, having had the impression that the vehicle would roll over. Of course, Renault 5 Alpines had stabilizer bars (The other 5s also. But, the Alpines had real ones), stiffer torsion bars and were lowered closer to the ground. But, this was a different dynamic, being a set-up for competition racing.
I couldn’t find a new bar, here. But if you need much any other part subject to wear or to biological aging, here’s the source I rely on: https://www.idealo.de/preisvergleich/MainSearchProductCategory.html?q=stabilisator%20daihatsu%20l251

Now I dont know what to think. On picture above you can see my friends Cuore with stabilizer rod. In any case it’s not urgent, I find it in future.