Jxrrd's Intro

Hi all, I have been in the Facebook group for a number of years now, I usually keep pretty quiet but I am thinking of starting a thread on this website to help me keep track of everything I will be doing to my G203 charade.

I have previously owned an 1993 G203 in which I used as a way to learn about cars as it was not running and in pretty rough shape when it was given to me from my cousin; Since then I have learnt a lot about the automotive world including being a mechanic for a brief period of time.

I am now getting back into the automotive space in hopes to learn about wiring harnesses and engine tuning/ building. There will be specifics on my other thread about my exact plans with my current Charade


Welcome. I’d be keen to follow what you are up to, esp with wiring harnesses.

Welcome :slight_smile: do you have any pictures?

welcome to the forum !

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I will grab some pictures next time i am in the shed, currently putting in some overtime at work so not much time for hobbies probably until the new year

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I’ve got a old wiring harness that I pulled from the parts car so I will most likely end up dissecting that and basing my new harness (hopefully slim lined down) on it. I’m just waiting for a new fuel pump to arrive so I know the car is able to run before I go ahead pulling it all apart haha