L200 model types

hey guys just trying to find info on the different l200’s, i have a L200RS does anyone know the difference between the 200S, 200V and 200RS? mainly just want to know if 200V brake rotors will fit my 200RS. Thanks guys!!!

Yes. RS=rear seats V=van

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that makes more sense, thank you!

also the 4 door’s I have had have been “S” so maybe sedan ?

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I was guessing S might be the four door. I only had a four door for a week and never paid much attention since it was a parts car. The others I remembered from compliance plates.

I sit here looking out of a hospital window at big car park and watch staff crowd the car park. Largely one person per car. Damn cars have gotten big, ugly and the newer the harder to tell makes apart. Some EVs too, gee they are big too. Rare now to see a Mira on the road. If climate change issues were/are so dire why have we moved towards behemoths for moving one person back and forward to work? An L200V as an EV (or with a Hyabusa engine) I would approve of. Little battery in the back, quick charge, make is swappable. You’d double the parking density, reduce congestion, little weight, mostly driven around 60kph so not much drag. So to high jack the thread with random thoughts. The world has moved on and forgotten a great base for what modern cars we should see more of. Bring Dai back to Australia.

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i’ve easily fit 4 dudes in my mira before too, the ultimate car.