L251 Front brake upgrade INFO

Hey guys thought I’d do a little post in regards to how to and info on upgrades for L251 brakes. When I did the conversion I had conflicting information so this simple guide will hopefully streamline other users experiences

I opted to use m100 sirion brakes , slotted rotors , general CT pads and new HEL braided brake lines. However you can use Daihatsu copen front brakes this guide will serve you just as well.

To clear up some potential miscommunication for this conversion, there is no need to change hubs or cut/change the brake dust cover. (For sirion front brake calipers )

Another note is that there is no difference between standard and GTVi front brake calipers from a sirion they are identical don’t get caught out spending more on “GTVi” brakes.

Pics below is what went into the car:

Make sure you order brake lines specifically for your car not the brake calipers going in

That’s about all the info I have to share if anyone has any other info in regards to copen brake conversions / bigger rear discs pop it in this topic to compile some info for the little L251


Here’s the finished product only need to unbolt your existing calipers and unbolt your line either at the caliper or at the hard line depending on if your swapping to braided brake lines like I did. Swap over your brake discs and your good to go. I’ve got these sitting under 14 inch wheels as recommended but other for brake clearance.


Nice work! I can confirm the Copen brakes bolt up the same way and I might even be able to sneak them under some 14 inch wheels. I am yet to fully install the Copen set up, but I don’t foresee any issues and with a small amount of bending I was able to get the dust shield to clear everything.


Sorry for digging an old topic.

Do you guys think these would fit under 13 inch rims?
There seams to be plenty of space under GrayJR’s 14 inch rims…

I think this post from @BoldEagle from January 2020 answers the question.


" Here is a site for Cuore vs Sirion;
You can then assess the weight of the cars and note the Sirion (98-04) is 810KG vs the Cuore (97- 02) is 630KG, 180KG difference, therefore it is clear they needed larger calipers (and thus rotors) with greater stopping potential.
If you review any sites like Supercheap and do the vehicle lookup it can be noted that the;
Cuore rotor is 211mm vs Sirion 234mm so they have bigger discs.

When reviewing pads it is noted the Sirion are ~49x94mm vs Cuore ~44x92mm.

So from that it is noted the Sirion rotors are larger with more pad contacting the disc (pad/cm2) and yet they also have a 13" rim for their stock models"

Sirion brakes should fit under 13s, copen ones maybe not


Thanks, I’ve found a guy parting out a Sirion M100 near me, gonna check it out soon.

Copen will not fit 13’s.


230mm from my 276 will fit a 251
I did that already on the red cuore of my friend.

254mm only fits with 14inch.

No need to swap Knuckles if you use sirion 2 brakes, cuore 276 brakes and materia brakes.