Hey guys thought I’d do a little post in regards to how to and info on upgrades for L251 brakes. When I did the conversion I had conflicting information so this simple guide will hopefully streamline other users experiences
I opted to use m100 sirion brakes , slotted rotors , general CT pads and new HEL braided brake lines. However you can use Daihatsu copen front brakes this guide will serve you just as well.
To clear up some potential miscommunication for this conversion, there is no need to change hubs or cut/change the brake dust cover. (For sirion front brake calipers )
Another note is that there is no difference between standard and GTVi front brake calipers from a sirion they are identical don’t get caught out spending more on “GTVi” brakes.
Pics below is what went into the car:
Make sure you order brake lines specifically for your car not the brake calipers going in
That’s about all the info I have to share if anyone has any other info in regards to copen brake conversions / bigger rear discs pop it in this topic to compile some info for the little L251