L251 top mount

Hi guys,I need help.Recently I noticed that my rubber top mounts need replacement but can’t find spare in my country.Does somebody know serial number that I can search on net or maybe top mount from other car,Toyota maybe.Also if I may ask photos of them and price in your country,maybe link to order. Thanks and greetings from Eu

Partsfan.com you can register for free to use the website and they list all the part numbers. Siberianbushings.com are a russian company and stock alot of bushes for daihatsu in polyurethane. You can order genuine parts from japan through Impex. Or try your local wreckers. Alot of daihatsu parts are interchangeable, maybe another model shares the same part, you can do a part number cross reference on partsfan.


Thanks man,I’l try those sites.