Livetodai Upgrade - 05/08/2021

Scheduled Maintenance

All Members please note there will be a scheduled outage at approximately
10:30am (AEST) on Thursday the 5th of August 2021, This outage is to upgrade the core of the forum and is requiring a full backup to be completed prior to the upgrade.

Upgrade notes:

Forum Upgrades and Theme asset changes.
OS and Platform upgrades
Database maintenance to keep forum snappy.

Also as part of this upgrade a DR setup will be built and tested to confirm our backup solution is working as expected.

Estimated maintenance time: 2 Hours


Upgrade has been successful.
A Backup has been collected and will be tested in the near future.

A new feature

Thank you all for your patience


WOOHOOO well done and thankyou :slight_smile:

so much snappier with my 2 second test lol :slight_smile:

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