My Reliable Mira - L500 ej-de haltech tuned

I’m considering selling my ‘95 ADM 1l converted Mira.

Purchased in Sydney early 2019 as the cheapest car on Carsales with a RWC. I used it for a 3km commute for a year or so and simply made it safe stock and functional. This history is available is a thread on this forum.

Since then, in Melbourne, I’ve tried to make it even more useful. Adding Daihatsu Copen seats, an upgraded ed-je controlled by a Haltech Elite and 13inch rims.

This car starts and drives every time. And with almost double the torque and double the horsepower it has exactly the amount of get up and go you need for such a lightweight car.

The cars originality has been preserved and still presents as OEM+ with the gold rims and Daihatsu factory spoiler.

original engine, wheels and rear seats are included. other parts include l251 front and rear uprights, hubs, brakes ect.

to make room for my next project im considering all offers.

located in Melbourne, Victoria

Build thread is here Newbie bought an L500 Mira
Happy to answer any questions.


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