NMF Garage

I wanted to preface this post by saying I don’t know the guy personally. I am not calling him a scammer, but this is my experience from ordering with him.

When I had newly purchased my car, I wasn’t really sure where else I could get parts, so I was forced to go with him. I primarily needed a radiator, since mine came busted. He was able to find me a radiator, for what I would consider to be a fair price. He told me it was aftermarket, but it would fit. I purchased the radiator (with some other parts) and they came as expected (customs damaged a trim piece but I don’t blame him for that).

Radiator went in just fine, but when I tried putting the fan back in, it simply would not fit. When I told him my issue, his response was, “That radiator is thick . Might be you need to trim a bit fan shroud. Or get another fan and shroud is more thin”. Not once previously had he ever mentioned fitment issues with the radiator, and when I had originally asked him if it was a direct fit he said yes. In my opinion, it is pretty scummy to mention AFTER the purchase that a new fan/shroud would be necessary. In my opinion, this was done intentionally to try and get another order out of me.

Since I obviously need a working fan, I was getting ready to make a second order. My car also badly needs brakes, so asked him for prices. Once he got back to me with prices, I got really fed up.

Here’s what he quoted me,
“1. New rotor $120
2. New front pads Bendix $60
3. New rear pads Brembo $50
4. DHL Shipping $170”

Those prices are absolutely ridiculous. A single no-name rotor $120, when I can purchase 2 BREMBO rotors from the UK, including shipping for cheaper. $60 for Bendix pads, when I can easily find quality pads for the same price including shipping.

I was also interested in buying Shopee parts from him. I have the Shopee app on my phone, and an account, so I know how much things cost him to his door. I specifically asked for this product (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fshopee.com.my%2FSTICKER-COMPLETE-SET-L502-i.110189149.15614765723%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR39RPeZ6SHRfsgkWbZItvhliugFHerSFG_eNP1-k5AzLBItOjAokNWqSSk_aem_vhkyy7UG7xxFKCyt70Ae-A&h=AT2n5qdoFfshfmuzYm14hFsnNtrHEDs4Z_5lgFUF1F6wG1CbyupcdOPcLXLE0tkp6-A9UJDgFLEc4hX2VoZ6klJNur5ENNCU_MwmjbbdfXqfQUvVx4IdUWMSSOFym9ho9l61kTq5Kx_KeXY). I know it costs him about $12 USD (53 RYM). Postage on the item is free, or at most 5RYM ($1 USD). His response to me was, “Got after postage and tax, complete set any colour $30”. A Malaysian proxy service would charge me less for this item; I understand upcharging a couple dollars, but over double the initial cost is ridiculous.

While I do understand he has a business to run and needs to make some type of profit, I think the markup he charges on most of his items are pretty insane. RYM is a lot weaker than USD, there is no reason to have such a significant upcharge.

Why does everyone keep recommending people to order parts off of him, instead of showing people how to directly find parts themselves?

These are four websites I have been using to source parts/part numbers. I believe they mostly ship worldwide (for certain US). As a community, I feel like we should be helping each other save money/build better cars. I personally have tried making lists with part numbers, but I am not 100% confident in my findings.

Having to import almost all parts is already deterring a lot of potential buyers from owning Mira’s in foreign markets. Having parts being upcharged more than what domestic car parts cost not including shipping on a car that is relatively unknown here absolutely destroys the market/community for them here.

TLDR; Try to find part numbers yourself for what you need; it’ll likely be a lot cheaper than a quote he has given you.


Thankyou for this post. I have never personally ordered parts from Nik. Many others have had no issues with him that I have heard of. When he started in L2D here and FB he seemed to be one of the only non scammer’s selling parts from Malaysia.
This is the first not-so-good feedback I have seen. I have heard some prices can be high but I figure you don’t have to purchase also.
There have been others over the years that ripped people off.
I try not to get involved as transaction’s between people are not my business. However, if it gets reported way too much I will remove them from the FB group and block them if that is where the issue has been and likewise, if the problem is here.

As for educating people n how to get parts and find them etc I am all open for that. In my time of playing with Daihatsu’s I have ordered maybe 4 parts from overseas, I usually make or modify my own things. As for brakes etc I usually buy local and will only look overseas if needed.
Like headgaskets I get them cheap on Aliexpress and I get the fibre ones not the MLS as the fibre ones are more forgiving.
One issue that seems prevalent (In Australia at least) is most people are lazy or it seems so difficult to be able to look up parts and find them yourself etc and it always seems to be a mystery of how to do these things for a lot people and a lot of people have been burned by Malaysia too.

The other thing is the ones that work out how to buy etc tend to start doing it and be like the importer to make money selling to other’s.
I don’t see an issue with people doing this but one of 2 things usually happens.

  1. They only made small amounts of money and it is really not worth it to them and end up closing.
  2. They make money maybe charge too much (or not), but end up not caring about the Quality of products etc eventually this brings them to an end. With more and more new people getting into dais than ever before they can stay open longer.

To help each other is why L2D started from the ashes of Daiforum (which the forum is now gone)
So guides etc to help people is great and using the daihatsu directory etc to help each other is also fantastic.

If anyone wants to do a DIY walkthrough post etc on this sort of stuff then please do so. I know some have been done in the past also. (It’s just been awhile since I have looked)


I rate Nick highly, he has helped me with multiple rare parts and the postage is super fast to Australia.

The main issue ordering parts out of Malaysia is the cost of shipping, that is where a lot of the cost comes into play.

Nick pays postage of parts to himself and then to you (overseas from Malaysia is expensive)

I don’t think he makes a wealthy living from helping us all.


He is not a scammer; I am not claiming that as stated by my first sentence. All I am saying is he is overpriced.

What I am also saying is for a lot of international people, whenever you ask how to order parts online the only response you get is, “NMF Garage”. No one tries to help you find part numbers, show you resources on where to find things, or show you where to order things. Other than spark plugs I have not been able to source anything in the US. I have been trying to find a new intake for a while, haven’t had any luck.

I get confused on what the Mira is called in different markets, and I also am uncertain on the differences between L501 and L502 chassis besides motor.

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The cost of international shipping being expensive is a given, and not something I blame him for.

If you convert RYM to USD or other currencies, and use a VPN to access Malaysian sites, you realize that most parts are fairly inexpensive. Shipping in Malaysia is fairly cheap as well.

I don’t think selling parts makes him wealthy, and that wasn’t the point I was trying to make.

You can find part numbers on https://partsfan.com/

I can recommend NMF as i have great experiences with him. However shipping got quite expensive, which i cannot blame him for. I can also not recommend getting common/genuine parts from Malaysia as well as it is often waay cheaper to source them yourself, www.amayama.com is also a great place to get genuine parts.
But Malaysia has a great aftermarket for parts… quality may vary ofcourse but NMF is a great way to get parts like this.
i guess you being from america you probably don’t have any old dealerships from Daihatsu anywhere. near you, my advice… move to europe/japan/aus if you want cheap parts and fun Daihatsus :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeh I wasn’t implying that you think that Nik is a scammer. I just meant that he is one of a few non-scammers we have come across from Malaysia.

I think many people including myself have just said “NMF Garage”.

I am not sure what the US is like but we have a lot of people who just want to be able to order parts without much effort and that is where Nik is good for the service he provides and for helping to get the parts from over there and has a reputation as reliable.

I think that’s why people use him or recommend him.

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[quote=“marky, post:4, topic:6935”]…I also am uncertain on the differences between L501 and L502 chassis besides motor…[/quote]01, 02, 03 etc… signify intended markets of sale. I can only write for the L6 series of which the 601s were sold in Europe, maybe with the exception of Britain, Malta and Ireland(?) and the 600s in Oceania. The main differences between these were looms (wiring harnesses), because of where steering wheels and brake master cylinders were placed, and trim. Aside from the differences in engine displacements (Japan only), emission control devices may vary for First World markets

If you did just want the part numbers like I did for a few items why didn’t you ask Nik too see if he knew what they were?
He helped me find part numbers and mentioned good websites to find items on and sent them over too me with no issue, I just didn’t want to go through the hassle of doing it myself so will gladly pay him the extra to go through the effort for me.
How business works at the end of the day and everything I have had priced up from him has been fair cost and like everyone says the biggest cost is shipping which is what your going to get regardless of where you order it from :woman_shrugging:
NMF Garage is deffo highly recommended from a lot of people because he could charge way more if he wanted and I’m sure people would still pay but he don’t, he’s fair and open about everything.