Time to document the journey of modifying my little Cuore…that sounded way too cinematic for what you’re about to read. If you want to read about high horse power figures, lap times, sweat and tears of rebuilding an engine, then I’m afraid I will have to dissapoint you. What you will read are the experiences of a 23 year old guy with zero technical knowledge or know-how that tries to improve his car. My goal? To show that even if you know nothing about cars, you can still make something cool, and I hope to inspire others to take on that “scary” project. Don’t get me wrong: I love cars. I love the idea of perfecting each and little part, to the point where others would say I suffer from OCD. I love redlining, testing limits, feeling improvements, and I love thinking about upgrades.
But that doesn’t make me a mechanic.
Far from it. I can do my basic maintenance, but if I’m honest, changing a starter motor has been the most technical thing I’ve done… groundbreaking, I know.
I’m your average office Joe, who is willing to take on stuff, only to try and fix it with a hammer 5 seconds later…something that stretches beyond the automotive world in my case.
But I’m going off-topic. You’re here for the green machine! To get you up to speed (no pun intended), this 2008 Daihatsu has been my daily driver for around half a year now. It replaced my BC coiled yaris, which I miss. For me, Bean is like a family owned labradoodle. It’s not rare, it’s not outstanding in anything, and you probably won’t turn heads with it. But do I love it? Of course you do! Because it’s always there for you, and it never let’s you down. While I don’t have such an emotional bond with my car, it gives you a good idea of how I view my car: perfectly standard, but something to love.
So please join me as I will post my modifications, ideas, and experiences as time goes on, continuing tomorrow!