During the last L2D Scheduled outage
Some plugins were installed, one of them being the Push Notification plugin noted here
##What is a “push notification”
This is a notification sent to a mobile device or tablet.
A good example is you created a post on facebook and someone replied, you will get a notification on your phone saying that someone has replied to your post.
This is a push notification.
This is now active.
I would like to note a few things first however:
- This plugin is experimental and all issues and glitches should be reported to this thread so I can pass this onto the creator.
- This plugin is Optional and complaining of its functionality will not be tolerated, you opt in for an experiment. Constructive feedback, positive or negative is encouraged.
- This has been tested on Android only, I am unsure how iOS will handle this. Feedback Welcome.
##How to enable?
Within your preferences you will now find a option to enable push notifications.
It is a requirement to set the following on every device you wish to get push notifications
Click on your profile icon in the top right of the screen, this will be a picture or a letter depending if you filled in your profile or synced from facebook etc.
Select the preferences cog
- Scroll down the preferences page until you see the following, if you have never visited the preferences page please take some time to look over the options.
Click to enable
You must repeat the process on all devices that you wish to have notifications, once the following is displayed it is enabled.
reverse the process if you wish to disable push notications, again it will be required to be disabled on all devices you enabled it on.
It is noted that the mobile icon needs some work on some devices and will be dealt with shortly