Radio issues

Hi there, I have a 1997 Cuore (L501). Right after I bought it the radio started to have issues. It often produces static sounds and it’s hardly audible most of the time. This happens both while tuned to radio and while using an aux cable. I was thinking it might be the speaker wires or something along those lines. Anyone have any ideas and/or solutions?

is it an aftermarket stereo? and is it a cheap one? I had issues with the cheap one I had in my move years ago.

If it’s a OEM radio, then that’s actually a quite common issue. I have a bunch of them and at least half of them do that.

In any case (OEM or aftermarket) would the solution just be to replace it?

Usually yes. Very very rarely it’s a wiring issue. In most of those cases only 1 side will act up.

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