Last week i realized how hard certain parts for the EF-VE are getting. So i decided i want to engine swap my green Gino after all. So i started looking for possible swaps. Then @marc0tjevp found a copen that could be perfect to use for the engine swap.
I started talking to the seller. But quite quickly i just couldn’t bare see it get scrapped. Despite it being quite rusty (mainly the sills) i just wanted to fix it up and make it my daily/project car. After a bit of talking she showed interest in the Cuore Classic.
So we arranged to meet yesterday (Friday) at 9pm at her unit.
@marc0tjevp and i drove a couple of hours across the country to go see it.
And there she stood…
After a bit of talking the deal was made.
I was so excited that i wanted to take it home right away. Which was a pretty big surprise to her, so much so that it took a few minutes for her to process it.
Shortly after i registered the Copen to my name and the Cuore Classic to her name Marco and i drove all the way back in the Copen.
Immediately after leaving we found out the windshield was very greasy and dirty and the wipers only made it worse.
So we made a quick pitstop to fuel up and clean the windshield and wipers. It got a little better but still not great. Luckily it stopped raining before halfway.
We made it home safely. Marco around 2am and i around 3am.
A couple of known issues are;
- The shifter bushings and such
- The wiper blades
- The very rusty sills
I still have to take a good look all over, but that’s a nice job for next week.
Tomorrow i’ll be giving her a good wash.
My plans (apart from the known issues);
- Restoring the paint or a different color (at some point)
- Different wheels (don’t know which yet)
- Putting new badges on her (after paint)
- Taking off the bumper protectors
I believe that’s it for now. But i’m confident my plans will change a bit along the way. But we’ll see how that goes.
Here are some more pics of the Copen and the rust.
Hopefully more updates soon.