Sports steering wheel

Hey guys
I have just inherited a 2003 sirion (why didn’t I buy one earlier) awesome car just an issue with the steering wheel size. I am looking at putting a sports steering wheel in her but I cannot locate a part number or anything does anyone know where I may be able to find a part number or even a boss kit?? Hopefully in Australia but getting desperate now

Thanks Champions


Plenty around but compact motorsport in NZ have then and Tim is awesome to deal with

Beware though that this is an airbag model and a “sports” wheel typically wont have an airbag so will be illegal to run on the road etc

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Toyota duet is the parts catalogue to find.

Illegal? :flushed: damn!

In holland they don’t care what steering wheel you have as long as it’s not loose.
And if the airbag light is on during inspection it’s just an advisory.

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Wow safety be damned i guess lol

When it comes to a lot of other they’re pretty strict. Sometimes they should loosen up a little. :joy:

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No airbag is sometimes better right :yum:

Hey Poolboy, Can you go to the New People section and toss up a pic and introduction. A pic often gets people’s attention for a bit more help. A big welcome all the same.
