Status update [G102 XT and G102 SG]

Last time i posted was in 2022. My collection has since then changed.

Sadly i had to get rid of my applause. The car had a lot of hidden rust and for me it wasn’t savable.

I thought i found a perfect new owner. The guy owned a garage and wanted to teach his interns how to weld. Sounded perfect! Sadly the car got crashed :frowning:

I owned a volvo v70 and a mk6 escort van for a year but i cant get over charades.

I was just strolling marketplace when i happened to spot this purple g100. Its a total heap of shit, but i instantly fell for it.

The car was painted hammerite black by a previous owner, and the guy who owned it before me didnt feel like peeling it off (which i totally understand, after doing it myself).

He hated the color though, so he decided to spray paint it purple in the woods, in 30 minutes, without any prepping.

It was priced like a heap of shit aswell though, so i decided to take her home :slight_smile:

I have since taken it apart and am giving it a full rebuild. Currently in the process of repainting it. Ill have to wait untill it gets a bit warmer outside before i continue sadly.

Still dailying my V70 i got offered a 1992 Charade G102 SG. You barely see those around anymore. Of course i had to have it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so meet my new daily:

I’ve already gotten it fresh MOT. In the netherlands cars over 30 years old get MOT valid for 2 years instead of 1.

I’ve customized it to my liking a little bit. For now its running the superlights of off the purple charade, but i’ve got some nice wheels im planning to put on :slight_smile:

Hope everybody is doing well. Ill try to post some updates on the purple G100 when i get around to finishing it.


I’m always surprised how well people can paint cars with little to no preparation and still get a decent finish. I prefer cars that are “20 footers” (looks good from 20 feet away).

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Hi! What isbthe size of your tyres? And rims?