Where did Daiforum.net Go?
Daiforum.net has not gone anywhere, we have made the site still accessible however in a read only state.
This will allow users to still browse it for archival purposes and to transfer useful information over to the new community.
Why was content not migrated over?
There was not a direct path from the forum software that Daiforum.net runs on to this new community software however in saying that there was a possible path that was quite convoluted but after much consideration it was decided a fresh start to a fresh style of forum was the way forward.
Why didn’t we just stay with daiforum.net site?
The old forum has issues within the database, the website code is old and during its journey has had some major hiccups along the way. We are also hoping that we will be able to build a bigger and better community within our new home.
How can I help?
We need all the help we can migrating the important information away from daiforum.net, not because it will become inaccessible but to allow it to become part of this community and available for everyone who joins up to our community.
So please help if you have the time.
How do I access the old forum?
To access the old forum is simple, navigate to the URL http://old.daiforum.net