Getting my V6 L60 back on the road

OK , been while since I’ve been on here. Personal issues got priority on everything.

Well, I’m getting back into my V6 L60 Diahatsu after having it sit for six months after driving the arse out of it and breaking stuff :slight_smile:

With the engine and drive train the only issues I have there are a stuffed clutch, bad first/second syncro’s and a chewed out axle bearing.

Body wise I’ve beaten it up a little after a little encounter with some catch wires on the freeway after coming down an on ramp a little too hard and broke traction in third :frowning: Could have picked a better day with a slight drizzle around and spun 180’ into the fence, took five posts out and got spat back around 180 again. All my screwup. Took the front guard off, popped the front strut bearing out of the top mount and destoyed the passenger side sheet metal.
Got it back on the road after a guard/ door swap and a little beating on the guard, repair to the front end and drove it for the next six months.

Other than that a few issues with light electrics but no other real issues apart from using rear tyres up quickly :slight_smile:

So moved of the Gold Coast up Maryborough way, glad to get away from the rat race. The little thing drives well fro a straight 4 hour trip too. Fun when a ‘quick’ BMW or Audi goes past and your up the bum in seconds. Sort of takes their wind out, and I quite enjoy it. Looking forward to it when I get it back on the road.

So will update pics when I get to it.

And if you need an L60 bit, I could have it.

Cheers, Geoff.


Old video of it first going :smiley:


Ok been a little bit sorting stuff but getting stuck into it ripping the front end out to rebuild it all.
Got my struts today and with a mix of bits I should be able to have a good adjustable front end :blush:
Rear ends is easy as it’s just a straight fit

Oh and going to repair all the damage from taking out the guard rope. Did a bit of sheet metal damage but nothing structural.


Right o pulled my finger out and trial fitted a front and rear. Looking good. Rear I modded
slightly for a true coil over.
Front should work well. Should be able to get 10’ or more negative camber and plenty of camber adjust.
Not a bad kit as it pulls to pieces and is easy to modify


For those curious the front are 439mm from top to bottom and the rear are 530mm from the eye to the rubbers

Not too bad for a kit to suit a vx commodore :blush:
Now to fab new lower control arms and mounts.
Going to use a set of hilux bushings and mounts to get a reasonable amount of caster adjustment


Been Frankensteining some lower control arms using a set from a commodore and a set from a hilux. Using the hilux inner bushings gives me a fair bit of caster adjustment

Number plates are here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ok. Finally got something done between life issues and have come across a major fubar.
As I have moved the steering I need to change the rack movement so I turn the way the steering wheel goes.
So I’m on the lookout for lhd rack or at worst the housing.
Don’t know if I can do anything with the rhd rack housing yet.


Holy mackerel, I do forget how much is going on inside this car.

Well after looking about and finding out it’s going to cost upwards from $1000 for a rack I’m going to mod mine.

Had a good look and think last night and have come up with this
Uploading: IMG_0214.jpeg…

Couple of strategic cuts and do a 180’ on it. Just need to prep and weld it out now

Bit of tidying up and it will be all good. Now have a rack that will go the right direction.
One of those rare wins after a major screwup is always good.

Now I’ll be able to finish the steering and concentrate on getting a ford btr automatic to marry up to a Holden ecotec as the manual is too much for this thing

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A left handed rack :blush:
Only have to drill a hole in the mount for it to fit in now.

Can’t believe I didn’t think about the rack movement when I moved everything about. Careless mistake that I won’t make again. Just lucky to get away with an easy one for once

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Ok, I really need to take some time to clean all the crap up but times a premium so it will happen one day :blush:

Ok finished with this

Starts at a jag steering column with an intermediate shaft made from commodore and Daihatsu bits going to a modified Daihatsu steering rack .
And yes that is a standard l60 brake booster tucked in the corner that works well with the commodore brake callipers

Hopefully might have it all done and painted soon


Well managed to squeeze in my btr gearbox conversion.
I’m fitting an automatic from an AU ford to my V6 Holden ecotec. :grin:
Pain as no one does a bellhousing or adapter plate to suit. So do the next thing and marry up two bellhousings.

Worked out well and should suit the purpose. Just to much to try and deal with a clutch in it. Might be a bit more controllable when getting silly in it

And the main reason I have used the btr is I can fully manualise the automatic and use it as a clutch less manual

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Just a pic of the setting up using a solid plate and fixed centre to keep everything in place


Ok this is where it’s at so far.

I’ve managed to finish one side of the mounts off.
Went a little overboard on bracing but better safe than sorry. Still got an extra brace to go underneath to take any ground impact if I drop from lifting wheels

Ive also got the transmission mounted to the engine.
Just need to massage a pipe on the extractors to fit.

It also might be a while till I post again.
My daughter was in a major accident last week

So all my attention is going to here and my two grandchildren that where involved.
The one year old boy got away with a couple of grazes so I looking after him.
The 7 year old granddaughter broke her ankle and humerus (she had to have that wired) and a nasty gash on her forehead from I gather was from the plastic dash parts that were in her mothers handbag. Some had skin and hair on them.
My daughter came out pretty badly. Broken shoulder humerus pelvis knee and ankle and three cracked vertebrae c3-c5. Plus a lot of cuts and teeth marks in her lips.
Her partner who wasn’t and rarely wore a a seatbelt isn’t expected to survive. Massive head spinal and chest injuries plus bleeding on the brain.
From everything I can gather and what she has said it only just started to rain heavily after a few weeks with very little, as she has turned into the estate she reached for the babies bottle and turned a little too far, realising this she pulled back into her lane but the rear of the car stepped out into the front of the truck.
I think that there was also a truck following that was going past her as well and she has clipped by the first truck (caught fire) and spun into the second then back into the first. It explains the picture I got of the car .
Truck driver wasn’t badly injured but refused to go to the hospital and never got tested.

Anyway guys my kids are alive and unfortunately I’m not concerned and the partner but I still wouldn’t wish it on anyone or their family.
So now my number one priority is my daughter and grandkids and every else has to wait.
I know you guys will send me you love and affection and I appreciate that.
I also appreciate this group and being able to get this stuff of my mind with no judgment.
I only know most people just off interacting with them here but thanks for just being here.

Cheers Geoff
I’ll post up a few pics

Should stop ok :+1:

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Here’s my granddaughter.

I was coming back from Brisbane after picking up a new car for the wife and got the call from her at the crash scene.
It happened about 500m from home. First people on the scene rang the wife and she ran down and then rang me after trying to help.
I have never felt anything like that moment and I thought I would loose my kids. And being able to hear everything in the background with my wife hysterically trying to tell me I almost broke down. All I could think about was my granddaughter. And the news being posted did not help one bit. Saying the young girl had massive head injuries and the male passenger was dead on the ground isn’t pleasant when you are two hours away and everyone is too busy to be contacted. I have no idea how long it was before I got good news that they were ok but I know that the new car goes well. I had to hold it under 180 as there was a massive storm. I did pass cars that had hazard lights on doing 60 in it but thankfully that all stayed to the left .
Got to the hospital in just over an hour for a usual two hour drive.
I would never condone driving that fast on a public road but there was nothing that was going to stop me getting there.

This has been a major life changing event for me and I can feel it. I no longer have a filter and I will say what I observe without sugar coating it .
Call me a grumpier old man :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I am sorry to hear what happened and having kids myself I would hate to go through the same thing. I hope all come through ok and you all recover well.
I am glad nothing happened to you on the way there also. I completely understand why you did that drive so quick but it also could have resulted in more tragedy. I’m glad it didn’t.
Take care and we will see your build updates when they come up.
That’s the good thing about projects is they dont have to have a time limit.

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Very sorry to hear about the accident. But glad those you care about sound like they are going to pull through.

Geoff, I’m sorry to hear that but I’m glad your daughter and grand daughter is ok. How is the daughter’s partner going?