Thank you! Yes I have a couple from when it was delivered to me, its currently in my garage being worked on. I’ll post up a thread of my work so far soon!
welcome Granger love your intro and already onto a build thread!!! That is awesome!. Love your sirion looks really good. As for pics mate load them up here. You may be restricted to 5 for a very short time but considering how fast you move it wont be long and you won’t have the limit and I presume you probably dont already. If we get to big in future we may have to look at hosting elsewhere but really for the moment its fine. Videos are preferably youtube or another host. They are just too big.
Thank you - I wanted to ask just in case. I won’t bombard the threads with pics but with projects I find it helpful to illustrate what I’m drivelling on about!
I’m just catching things up with my last 4 weeks of work so it will slow down a bit I promise.
Hopefully some of my scribblings will be either interesting or informative for someone else!