How to safely connect my four hazards light to my central locking system

Hi Everyone

Following on this earlier post below about installing a central locking system for my Daihatsu Cuore (or Zooba as I call it :smiley: )

Now everything works fine but the locking and unlocking gives no lighting indicators and I want to connect the system to the four hazards lights to give a signal when activated.

The system I bought sends a 12V signal for short period through a wire when activated to give the light signal, but I want to do this safely and without missing up any wiring.

Can you advice the best way to access those lights to connect my system signal wire?

Thanks in advance


Hey mate, I do like your posts and happy the forum member have been happy to help you. (No surprise as they are all awesome). It may be a good ide for you to do a small intro new post in the “all new people section”.
It will help unlock more of the forum for you including The manuals sect in a short time which maybe very useful for you.


Thank you very much … sure it would be nice to introduce myself and my Zooba. I made many nice modifications so maybe I can also post about those.