Being more of a Charade person, I have been wanting to see what all fuss is about with the smaller Dai’s, but I like being different so had to find something special.
Cue facebook where i happened to see an L200 Topless for sale, instant love . Came to an agreement with the owner on price, then had a lovely 1450km return trip with a 10x6 trailer in tow, hoping it would fit as my wife’s car has a 1200kg towing limit so a car trailer was out of the question.
28 hours later i arrived home and am now the highly proud owner of 1 of 12 L200 Mira Topless’ , pretty unique I thought This one is apparently one of the two prototypes, and already has an EJ-DE fitted and wired up but not running.
Plans so far are to get running, fit interior back in as was sold as a rolling shell, then fix any other issues so it can get a roadworty and rego, after that it’s anyone guess.
So expect alot of Noob Questions and confusion during the course of this restoration
nice Score Dale looks like a lot of work but should be good once it’s all done. I actually think there was either 40 or 50 of these done and not just 12. I heard either 40 or 50 many many times over the last 5-6 years but never herd 12 before. but who knows.
Excited to see what happens with this. Will be such a fun car once done.
Just some pics while I have some of the fibreglass off to clean. looks like the spot welds have broken apart
Serious Question, should I just spot weld or part weld or full weld of seams?
If you seem weld it it would be much stronger and wow seein one apart makes you a little more concerned lol
Seems better than the moke californian i owned, bracing is decent looking box steel both welded and bolted. Being more concerned so far with engine, wiring and cleaning bits, I had yet to look under the back end.
Oops something missing and also pretty rusty, could be why it was so low, I put it down to one flat tyre and one rim without tyre.
Also missing the fibreglass part on top of windscreen, this must have been lost on trip back
And a pic of pillar area.
Will be chasing a brace bar that goes under the dash soon also
You will need that brace the steering column etc bolts to it also
Just so you know there is a company on magnetic Island that hires out those little topless miras to tourists, maybe give them a call if you are chasing random spares. Last time I was there they had about ten or so that I could see…
thats about where the 40 or so came from
so they still have them? i was told they had gone back to moke’s as galvanised body, Thanks for that @Daiharris
Yeah bro… Unfortunately a group of tourists got drunk and binned one into a tree the other day and a few of them died or some shit… Personally I have little remorse for drink drivers but that’s the way it goes…
Also a good tid bit is I drove one about a year ago and that made me want to get a Mira… Now I’ve got an L200 with an ej going in so it all worked out hahahaha
hey good to see more progress!
Yay! Fantastic. Will be a sweet set up to cruise with. Can’t wait to see or here more of the progress.
EJ ecu in EF case for ease of mounting back in
As i have found out, i have a series 1 front but series 2 headlights the top of the grill doesnt quite reach to out the clips in
but still only a minor detail
Bumpers only painted with cans so not the best but will do til i try a full respray
I have a few proper bars spare, some unpainted (best option for repainting). $15 (packing money) plus postage if you like?