I am punk3000 from holland and i am a proud owner of a g200 charade .
Bought it in april 2019 and wasnt planning on making modfications…
So the first modifications were a shitload of audio: a pioneer radio and a jbl 6 channel amp, jbl 3 way composet in the front and some jbl 3 way speakers in the back and a 12 inch jbl sub in the boot.
The pioneer recently got replaced by a alpine radio.
After that i put in two seats of a sirion 1.3s.
Took some modification and welding to get them in, we used a mix of charade and sirion parts to get it to fit.
Because i drive like 40-45k a year, i wanted to have beter seats.
Drove around like this for a while and was sure not to change anything else anymore.
So i found a speedo with a rev counter for cheap, so that came in as well.
Had the rear shocks repaced by some new ones, which made it handle a lot better.
So i thought: lets get new front shocks as well.
when you are at it, you better do it well, so some 3 cm lowering springs were ordered as well, springs and shocks are lying around to replace the old shocks and springs in time.
Because the “not going to modify” decision was tossed out the window, i was starting to get a better idea of what i wanted to do with my charade.
Found out that the 1.6 gran move engine is plug and play in the charade and the gran moves brakes are a nice upgrade, so i am starting to look around for a gran move for parts.
It is going to take a lot of time and i am in no hurry.
Got some new rims recently and now my charade is rolling on 14s instead of he 13s.
the rims are of an honda civic, so the caps will be replaced by some daihatsu ones.
TheDutchGuy, who has put an sirion engine into his cuore, sold me another sirion front seat.
The foam on this one is a lot firmer than my current one, which was giving me backpain.
Today i took both my driver seats apart and swapped the part you mount the seat to the floor with. (dont know the english term)
and this is the charade/sirion mix i made to make it fit the charade
So, thanks to TheDutchGuy, my seating poition is a lot better than it was.In the near future i am going to make sure the front of the seat wil be raised somewhat, so that i get better support for my legs.
Hoping to change the frontshocks and springs, somewhere in okt.