I had a love hate relationship with this over the last few years, we have even tried parting a couple of times but no one seem’s to want her .
No one wants her because this move is so awesome and damn sexy and want’s you to finish her
I think in future I will bite the bullet and get a bonnet like yours. Especially now mine has damage.
What Evil Said
Cheer’s guys, i have no choice now anyway i did think of parting it out but that would be such a waste, the plan is to spend as little as possible to get it up and running.
Ok so i tried the m5h 5/speed as just eye balling it the shaft length looked close, and it was… but not quite.
As this is going to be a budget build i’m not going to fit the M5H /A box as this will require custom length shafts etc etc , so it’s back to the original box and I’ll need to swap in the centro’s 4.7 final as the 3.9 will be a bit tall for the little JB. I was also lucky enough to pickup a lsd for this on yahoo for only 2000y.
I bought this jb-det from Japan this is from the L152s Move.The timing cas on these has a flange for the engine mount, thankfully this does not interfere with the chassis rail the water pump does however so i bought a JB-JL pump and pulley on yahoo auction.
One advantage of this version is that it has a good sized top mount which is good as the SR-XX bonnet is about 50% scoop, it also uses a single scroll turbo much like the JB-JL and i have fitted the JB-JL elbow which means i can fit the locally available catalyst with the correct angle on the exhaust pipe flange.
Damn that is so close with the shaft. But well done on getting some stuff sorted etc. I had more things to say but as usual I see your photo’s and start drooling and forget everything I was going to say.
Cheer’s Jimmy, lucky for me that little engine is as clean inside as it is out. it’s a real lucky dip when you import an engine, with no pics from under the rocker cover etc to check for gum varnish sludge etc.
And under the valve cover …what a relief.
that motor doesnt even look run in
It has about 73,000 k’s on it , I guess the original owner changed the oil on a regular basis, unlike the jb-jl i bought years ago it was full of sludge and varnish i don’t think it ever had an oil change.
Picked up another JB-DET from the australian spec copen. It had a blown turbo, which i have replaced.Not to sure what i am going to do with it yet though.
Sold off some parts and thrown away much more, but my parts stockpile has been much reduced to one corner of the garage It was hard parting with some of the junk i had accumulated to be honest, but i have much more room to start collecting more lol.
I bought an l910s shift select shaft as the shape of it looked liked it would clear the sub frame, it seems it may well do i need to buy the l700 gear linkages to confirm.
Shift select shaft and the L900 Move shift lever as with the elevated seating position in the Move the L7or M100 shift lever would probably be to short.
Im very intersted in this
Where’d you find that man.
Yes the l700 shifter sits lower
Gearshift and shift rod where about $40 each plus post. I use http://partsfan.com/daihatsu/jp/ to find part numbers.