Green Copen

Love to see this car in real

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Hopefully when the engine is back in :smiley:

Last week I took the gearbox off. Everything is looking rather shit. The axle has quite some play in all directions. The clutch has a lot of meat but the fins are super worn out. Also lots of rust on the pressure plate. But the flywheel isn’t the worst, yay.

Anyways, I didn’t have long bolts to fit the engine into the stand. I was just planning to use the bolts from the transmission but they were way too short lol.

Props to @Aaron for bringing cool bolts. The engine is now in the stand.

Let the real work begin I suppose?


In the meantime I put a quick coat on the subframe as it had quite some rust. I cleaned the engine bay and it’s pretty nice.

I started working dismantling the engine and ran into multiple occasions of liquid gasket inside the oil and coolant channels.

Inside looks pretty clean so far…

I didn’t see a single crack around the seating of the wastegate, and there’s minimal play on the axle.

So, that’s the front of the engine empty. I’ll move on to the intake manifold and the injector rail. And then it should be time to take off the head and get it skimmed.

I’m kind of baffled by the state of everything, it’s a mixed bag. Somehow the engine and turbo look quite healthy. Yet everything around it looks greasy and abused even though nothing is actually leaking. I can’t put my finger on it as everything on the engine almost seems untouched since the factory.

I’m mostly working on the Astra, as she’s getting ready for a nice Nürburgring trip at the end of this month. Hopefully I can get the head skimmed before I leave though.

Garage dinner date :yum:

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The intake manifold is off. I was looking for how to get the tension of the chain and started to remove the chain cover.

I came to the realisation that the oil pickup is bolted to it from the inside… So I had to remove the oil sump first.

Oh well, here’s a look into the engine so far.

So now it’s just cams out and crack the head bolts.
I’m learning as I go :yum:


After a brief fight with the chain sprocket, I got the cams off just fine.

So, head bolts out and I pulled the head.

If anyone can spot some anomalies, tell me c:
From what I could see cylinder 3 was getting coolant from the channel on the intake side.

Next up, clean everything and get the head resurfaced and cleaned as well.


@Aaron came by and we removed the pistons and crank.
Honestly everything is in good shape. And I got persuaded to get new piston rings…

Gave the block a good clean as well. I’ll probably get it professionally cleaned now that it’s nakey.

So, that’s the whole engine apart. Time for some actual machining and getting parts ordered.

I’m excited to put everything back together.


I’ve never seen such small engine internals! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :rofl:

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It’s not about the size mate

That’s not what she said :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

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Life and such, it gets in the way. Got back from vacation and looking to pick up where I left off!
So I’m just gonna make a list here of what needs ordering/doing/considering. Mainly for myself :joy:.


  • Full rebuild gasket set - 04111-97213

I’m currently waiting for (ordered):

  • Head bolts - 90048-01030
  • Piston rings - 13011-87231
  • Coolant lines for the turbo
  • A new clutch kit
    • Housing - 31210-B2030
    • Bearing - 31230-B1010
    • Disc - 31250-97210
  • Water pump - 16100-97212
  • Chain
    • Chain - 13506-97202
    • Bracket - 13561-97201
    • Bracket - 13596-87201
    • Lining - 13591-97201
    • Pulley/tensioner - 13545-97201


  • Oil feed for the turbo has seen better days.
  • Engine mount replacements.

Non-important, but fun:

  • Paint the engine cover the same colour as the body.

I probably forgot a lot already…


From my experience I would just replace everything you can while you have the engine out. Did my chain and didn’t do my water pump, 2 months later that went :sweat_smile: If you are considering it just go ahead and replace the parts while you have good access, least then you know its done and don’t have to worry about going back in to do it all again :smiley:

Looking good though :call_me_hand:t4:

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Yea, you’re right. I feel the same way. On the other hand I don’t like wasting (already rare) perfectly fine parts.
The chain is the one thing I just can’t decide on, given it’s price.

And thanks C:

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I dont really think about the price when it comes to mine, I had a realisation a while ago. I’m never going to sell the thing so it will always be a money pit regardless so why not put the money into the parts that matter so I can have fun in it for as long as possible. End of the day you can’t have fun in it if it breaks and if the chain goes out of everything your fucked really and I wouldn’t want to run the risk knowing I’d be putting already used parts back into my engine that I could have replaced, could be a week could be 10 years but some point it could go and you’d be telling yourself I should have just replaced it while I had everything apart.
Can always sell the old one to someone who can’t afford a new one :woman_shrugging:t4: or keep it as an emergency spare.

Obviously I’m not going to tell you how to build your car but my point of view is if you have it apart and have the money and means to replace wearing parts then just do it regardless. Be all fresh as a daisy when you come to drive it again and have peace of mind knowing its all been done already :smiley:

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Okay that was the push I needed :joy:. I’ll replace it, thanks again :blush:.

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Your most welcome :rofl: always here to help the motivation train

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Yippeee, the gasket set came in. I’m getting real excited to start now. :smile:


I just wanted to show off my rack tbh.

I’m getting a bit more organized. Cleaning some parts as well.

I got notified that the clutch can not be delivered and will never be in stock again. Other parts, mainly chain and piston rings, will hopefully ship soon.